Post 7
If I could change my study programme I would separate the two semesters on to 4 ones. That way we could have the main class, that is workshop on a different time space as our theorical classes. I think it is a much better way to stay focus on only one thing and have a more deeply learning experience. Sometimes I have too many things on my head and it´s difficult for me to achieve my maximum potencial as a student. Architecture is known for being a hard career to study and I agree. There are times when is not that the classes are too difficult but we have so little time to do so many things that complicates really easy tasks. That is, on my opinion, the truth issue with this career. Not having enough sleep because of the long work hours makes it even harder. So for me, allowing students to concentrate on only one or two things at the same time would give us more time for us and the classes we may have. This could have an important outcome on the students grades and the ...